Monday, July 20, 2009

Rampage Jackson & Heather Nichols, WOW!

So hottie reporter Heather Nichols was interviewing UFC big dude, Rampage Jackson. She asked all those usual hard-hitting questions including asking him about his acting career. She then suggested a romantic movie starring herself and Jackson. Apparently, Jackson thought that meant a dry hump porn role, and began to demonstrated his uh, acting, talents on the gorgeous Nichols.

Folks, I'm a crazy monkey, but this kinda stuff crosses a line for us animals. As a blow up doll, I would never do this to a female interviewing me, since I might become overinflated or even worse, deflated! People out there will argue that Heather wasn't really telling Rampage to stop doing it, some even argue she was "asking for it" and others are arguing that this guy's an animal. You make the call below...

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