Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Audra is Hot from P90X Ab Ripper X & Yoga!

Hello crazy monkeys, it's been a while!  That's because I've been busy doing the P90X workout DVD's for a few months now.  Notice I said "doing," so that doesn't mean working out!  However, that's not the point here, it's to share with you Audra, hot P90X Ab Ripper X chiquita!

Have you noticed Audra before?  How can't you?!  She's the hot chick on the P90X workout Ab Ripper X and Yoga workouts.  Wow, that is one cute and sexy chiquita huh?  She certainly has her flexibility down in the Yoga poses.  Her ab workouts are done very well too.  Tony Horton really doesn't have to correct her form, but he goes to check on her every so often.  I would too if I were running that silly little show!

Of course watching the hot Audra (I don't know her last name) working out is a tough routine as it is.  If I were actually doing the exercises it might be tougher for this crazy monkey.  However, simply lifting my remote and hitting pause every now and then isn't as strenuous as I thought!  Audra is so motivating!

So I just wanted to share a few screenshots of the sexy Audra from P90X Ab Ripper X here.  Hope all you crazies enjoy!  Feel free to tell me in the comments below, do you prefer Audra, Shawna, Dreya, Sophia, or one of the other P90X workout babes more?  Thanks and hope you're all doing well!

She certainly has some impressive form!  Audra is an inspiration to all of us who aspire to workout some day so we can look good for good looking chiquitas!

By the way, it looks like this might be Audra's fitness test before and after results here.  She certainly has come a long way doing this workout, maybe I need to give it a try!

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