Monday, December 08, 2008

Homemade Christmas Gag Gifts & Monkey Stuff

Since the holiday season is in full-swing, this crazy monkey knows a lot of people are looking for those sweet little homemade gag gifts for Christmas and holiday parties! Let's face it, this may be the perfect time of year to extract a little harmless revenge on that boss or coworker who makes your work days a drag. While this monkey never would condone revenge, I do condone a great gag gift here or there!

Here's some simple ideas for homemade gag gifts you can give for Christmas, that I found while surfing the web...or you can pick up a cool gag gift here!

Hillbilly Potpourri - Mix the following into a small baggie: peanut shells beer tabs beer caps toothpicks spent shells - attach a clever tag or your own nutritional information label.

The Gingerbread Perfect Man - Bake up a Gingerbread man and decorate as you see fit. Attach a card or tag with it reading "The perfect man - quiet, sweet, and if he gives you trouble, you can bite his head off!!!"

Stress Relief Pills - Give a sheet of bubble wrap and a tag or card with these instructions: "Pop one pill every 4-6 hours or as needed".

The Home Excerciser - All that's needed is a block of wood. Include the instructions: "Place block in middle of floor. Walk around it twice. Rest, you've just walked around the block two times." - I think I may start marketing these via infomerical!

Personal Yard stick - A random stick you find out in the yard...Has many uses such as checking oil in the lawn mower, a toy to play catch with Fido, a fire-starter, or in the case of a boss or coworker you can include a card telling them where to...well you know :)

I think a popular but potentially-dangerous gift all year-round is the Flingshot Flying Monkey (seen above). You've probably heard a lot of people say "yeah when monkeys can fly" or "yea and monkeys might fly out of my butt". Well thanks to the Flingshot now they can!

Speaking of monkeys and butts, did you know they sell Anti Monkey Butt Powder??...I already like my butt, but the product claims its a special powder with calamine to absorb sweat, prevent irritated skin and chafing...Ideal for butt-busting activities! - We'll leave it at that! Happy holidays!

Monkey's recommended gag gifts

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