Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Day This Crazy Monkey Arrived!

crazy inflated monkey package
Picture of packaging

In my crazy inflated monkey origin story, I told you of how I was rescued from a shelf in the Dollar General Store of Wickliffe, Ohio. Until this date in time, I was flat and squished into a small plastic sleeve. I was hung out on a shelf, staring out at customers from amongst the other inflatable party animals. One day my life was changed when I was purchased and rescued!

Picture of envelope

I was sent to my current owner/handler's discreet location via United States Postal Service in a nice, compact manila envelope. Luckily I was not abducted even though the sender included a personal note on the outside of the envelope. See below.

crazy inflated monkey envelope note
Picture of my handling instructions

I'm happy to have arrived here so I can break out of my packaging and enjoy my new party life, fresh off the shelves of the Dollar General Store! Look out crazy world!!

Picture of monkey emerging out of package

Stay tuned for more info on my story, including how I finally was inflated and more!

Crazy Inflated monkey...

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